Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Review: Angels On Top by NJ Nielsen

Angels On Top
5/5 Hearts: Must Read!
by NJ Nielsen
Published by MLR Press
ISBN# 978-1-60820-549-3 


All Marlowe wants to do is find his place in the world with someone to love. Someone who sees just who he is.

Thrown out of home for not conforming to his family wishes, Angelo heads to the one place he knows he will be welcome with open arms.

With a little help from their family and friends can Angelo and Marlowe figure out just who is stalking Marlowe before Christmas morning? Can Marlowe win the heart of the boy next door? Can Angelo figure out that even straight boys sometimes fall in love with their best friends?

Set on her home continent of Australia, NJ Nielsen paints Marlow Weldon and Angelo Linford's world. I feel in love with these two boys completely on their own merit, and then as I kept reading I fell in love with the bright, funny and interesting supporting characters. The interaction and the dialogue is brilliant. I love NJ's voice. She brings her smooth writing skills to the table, and shows us how a book is supposed to be done. 

As a person who struggled with my own sexuality, I really connected with Angelo and his confusion. I was also able to empathize with the frustration Marlowe felt at having fallen in love with the straight person. However, once Angelo sorted things out in his own head and decided to go after what was his, watch out!

Then ending of the book was absolutely perfect. I was very invested in the characters and look forward to reviewing the second book in the Toowoomba Boys series, Hunting for Clay. This was definitely a 5 heart book for me!

If you wish to purchase Angels on Top, you may do so through Amazon Here. You can also purchase it directly from the MLR Press website here.


  1. That is totally awesome thank you for the lovely words.

  2. Love your review it just went to the top of my TBR pile :) thanks for sharing .....yes NJ I will read your book...promise :D


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